Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Friend To Tell Your Secrets To

This may come as a surprise to some of you. I deal with clinical depression. Due to this, I have seen several psychiatrists and counselors over the years. Early on in my quest to deal with this depression I was given some of the best advice I’ve ever heard.  I was told that the best way to keep depression in check is 3-fold:
1)    Medication - (for those of us that need) is just a small piece of the puzzle
2)    A good, bible based, counselor - to help you deal with things you can’t handle on your own, believe me, you will get overwhelmed with life in general
3)   A friend -to tell your secrets to 

I know at first this sounds strange. You’re probably thinking, “Isn’t that what the counselor does?” No.  Your counselor helps you deal with your emotions and events in your life that you can’t seem to get through on your own.  Mine helps me “process” things.  I’ll just give you a personal example.  As I’ve said, I have 3 kids.  The oldest just recently got his own apartment.  Over the next 6 months the other two will be moving out.  This is a little shock to the system.  So my counselor is beginning to help me prepare for it.  Then when the time comes hopefully it won’t be quite as big of a shock to me and we will continue to work on how I cope with it.

Back to telling our secrets to a friend, over the past several years I have learned just how important is.  For many years my husband was that friend.  I was so thankful he was there to listen to me, when I needed his shoulder for anything and everything!  Then a couple of years ago God brought a girlfriend back into my life.  Someone I hadn’t been in touch with in over 10 years.  When He did, we connected like we had never been apart. She is now the person I can share anything with, whatever I might think or feel.  Now I don’t want you to think I am hiding anything from my husband, because I’m not!  This girlfriend just allows me to be a girl.  If I want to vent about weight, wrinkles, menopause etc., she is there to listen.  What an amazing blessing this friend is to me!  Ya know what?  She is a TREMENDOUS blessing to my husband also!  You don’t know how much HE appreciates her being in my life!  He is SOOOOO glad he doesn’t have to listen to me moan and complain about certain things that, honestly, he doesn’t want to listen to.  Think about it, try it.  I think you will find telling your secrets to a friend might be just what you need.

I Samuel 20:17 Jonathan repeated his pledge of love and friendship for David. He loved David more than his own soul! (The Message)

This friendship has the qualities I have been talking about.  Jonathan and David had such an amazing friendship.  In I Samuel 20 alone, Jonathan’s father, Saul is trying to kill David and Jonathan does everything in his power to keep David alive.  If you know the story, you know that Saul eventually kills, Jonathan, his own son, because he hates David so much.  What a sad story!  Wouldn’t you love to have a friend like Jonathan though, one who loved you so much they would risk their life for you. Wow!  That is dedication and REAL friend.  Well, don’t forget, we do!  Proverbs 18:24 A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. (KJV)

Living in Grace,

1 comment:

  1. Wow, we really do need to get together, I just went thru the counselor and medication thing because things that were being done to me by people who professed to love me. Been there you are so right a true friends makes all the difference!
