Since this is a blog about how God is working in my life, I felt it was important to post my beliefs. Please take a look at them. If you have any questions or comments please write them in the comment box or send me an email. I'd love to talk with you.
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit make up the Trinity. They are one God, yet they all have specific purposes. God the Father, is the Creator of all things. He spoke the world into existence. He is everywhere all the time, all-powerful and all-knowing. Jesus is God’s son, he was born to the virgin Mary and conceived by the Holy Spirit. Jesus never sinned, yet he died on the cross to take the place of my sins and yours. He is the only one that could do that because He was sinless. On the 3rd day he rose from the dead. The Holy Spirit is the one that convicts us of our sin. Once we are saved he lives in us and guides us through life. He also joins all believers together.
The scriptures are the Word of God. They were spoken by God, and that is why they are the guide for the Christian life.
The only way to become a Christian and gain entrance into heaven for eternity is by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. We must each accept that we are sinners, and Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and invite Jesus to live in our individual lives and become the most important person or thing to us. Without Jesus all of us would be doomed to eternity in Hell.
Once we become a Christian, it is not about following rules or getting involved in a “religion” or even a church. It is about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, cultivating that relationship, and becoming the man or woman He wants each of us to be.
Once we are saved God has certain gifts He has given to us that He expects us to use for His honor and glory. We should find a church in which to use those gifts. We should also use those gifts outside the church as He leads us to.
There are so many beliefs that could be discussed, but these are my core values. These are the beliefs that truly make a difference in my eternity and my day-to-day life interaction with other people and my God.
If you have any questions about how to become a Christian or anything else I have discussed here, PLEASE comment or send me an email…
Living in Grace,