Friday, July 22, 2011

"God Shaped Hole"

We just keep praising God!
This week Cecil and I got to visit Brent, Troy and their wives at the hospital. We had such a great visit! Jenice, Brent’s wife told us that Nick had been moved to a private room. He is the last one to be moved out of the BICU. What a blessing! God is so good!
That’s not all! On Thursday, Troy was moved to the rehabilitation facility. This is exciting and yet a little scary. According to what they told Pei, Troy’s wife, Troy will spend most of his day in therapy. This will be quite a change from what he has been used to over the last 9 weeks. My understanding is Brent will be headed to rehab soon also.
Thank you for your continued prayers!
Oh my, last minute update. I just found out, Nick was also moved to rehab today! Praise God for his continued miracles!

After last week’s post, I wasn’t sure where God was leading me with this week’s blog. Then I went to church Sunday and it was clear God wants me to continue to share what God is teaching me, through Rodney, in the series on Luke 15. So bear with me as I give you my interpretation of each sermon and how I feel it is relevant to my life. Maybe you can find something useful out of it. I hope so.

At some time, we all run from God. It’s a simple fact of human nature. Like I mentioned last week, we have different ways of running. The first is to run right out in the open for everyone to see. The other is to act like a “good Christian”, continue to go to church, and do all the things we’re supposed to do. Yet inside we are running from God as fast and as far as we can. 

Here is an interesting thought, some of us might even be thinking about running right now. I’m thinking, Why? Oh come on, we know exactly why we run. We just don’t like to admit it. Think about when you were living at home with your parents. Think about that younger son. Why did he leave? As scared as I was, I know when I moved away to go to college I had thoughts like this: “I can make my own decisions now. No more parents looking over my shoulder. Not only will I be out of their city, I’ll be out of their State! I will have FREEDOM! I will finally be happy.” Isn’t that basically what we think when we run from God. “If I can just get out from under His thumb, I will be happy.”

There was one twist with the younger son in Luke 15. In verse 11 he says, “Father, give me the share of property that is coming to me.”  In today’s terms, that would be like us saying to our parents or more accurately saying to God, “Give me my stuff! Now go away!” Maybe even “Now die!” Because in effect that is what the son is saying to his father. “I have the inheritance, you worked all your life to provide for me. That is all I ever wanted from you so now you can die” This poor child! Somehow he thinks that all of these THINGS are going to make him happy. Somehow WE THINK that getting THINGS from GOD will make US HAPPY! So we ask God to bless us with…a better car, a better place to live, better clothes, better stereo system, better computer, better phones, better this… better that…. Are you happier? Is your life more fulfilled? Was the son happier? More fulfilled?



He discovered and so will we that it is NOT the Father’s STUFF that makes us happy! It is a RELATIONSHIP with the Father that will fill our emptiness and give us the peace we have been longing for!

There is a song that has been recorded by 2 different groups. Originally it was recorded by Plumb then it was also record by a Southern Gospel trio called Red Roots. The song is God Shaped Hole. It talks about the fact that we all have a “God Shaped Hole” in our soul and that He is the only one that can fill that void. We can try to fill it with other things but only God can fill it!

So if you have been running or are contemplating a sprint, remember these things:
✞  Running does not = happiness
  The Father’s things will not = happiness
✞  Only a relationship with the Father (God) will give you the peace and contentment you have been searching for!

That relationship comes through knowing Jesus Christ.

John 3:16  "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (ESV)

Living in Grace,

If you haven’t heard the song “God Shaped Hole”, go to YouTube to hear it done by Plumb or go to, to listen to a sample of anything off of their CD titled “Red Roots” under the heading Music on their website.

If you are interested in listening to any of the messages on Luke 15 by Rodney Hobbs, Pastor of Stonegate Church, Midlothian, TX. Please listen to the podcast at 

*Be on the look out for 2 new pages (tabs up at the top) on my blog. One to tell you my beliefs on important Biblical issues. The other to keep you updated with important information like the progress of the TXI burn victims. Maybe some personal information etc. Looking forward to expanding my blog. Hope you enjoy it! Let me know!

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