Hello Again Friends! I hope you are
all doing well.
As I have worked on this blog, God has
worked on me. What was originally supposed to be a quick little post about how
God understands the needs we have and the trials we go through has turned in to
a 3-part “lesson”. As we begin I want to share that God is showing me that He
TOTALLY “gets it” when I think “no one understands”. Ready to dive in?
Peter 1:6 6In this you
rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various
trials, 7so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious
than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in
praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. (ESV)
The year of 2012 has already brought
some memorable events. Some events have been personal. Then there have been some
that have affected my friends. Already events have occurred that are
newsworthy. Whether they are on the local, state, national or international
Personally, I have been dealing with
vertigo since just after the New Year. That has presented it’s own interesting
set of challenges, such as not being able to drive, limited activity even at
home and the inability to be in the music portion of church service, because
the music causes my head to spin. How crazy is that?
As far as friends go, I’ve had one
that has had surgery and is now spending 2 weeks flat on her back, while she
heals. Another sweet friend, who happened to have been one of my bridesmaids,
her precious daddy is in the hospital with pneumonia right now. Others have had
babies or found out they will be having a new baby this year.
This year has also started out with
some unusual things in the news. January was about half over when an Italian
cruise ship hit rocks as it, reportedly, came too close to an island off
Tuscany. Once it did, it began to sink and tilt. On the Dr. Phil show, I
watched a husband and wife tell their story of escaping the ship with their 2
daughters, just a few days after the traumatic event. As the family struggled
for their lives, their 3rd daughter was at home awaiting the news of
her family’s fate. She had gotten married a week prior to the family trip and
cruise, so she did not join them. When she finally spoke to them they were in a
toy store on a small island, shaken but ok.
In addition, this winter’s weather has
been strange. I read on Facebook where someone posted they were tired of the
weather going from warm to cold to warm to cold and back to warm again in just
a few days time. A few nights ago I sat perusing Facebook, which I hadn’t done
in a while. I observed that a friend who lives near Nashville, TN wasn’t just
in for a night of storms and tornado watches and warnings, but that the
National Weather Service was actually calling the weather situation in the area
a PDS, “Particularly Dangerous Situation”. Ok, I’ve lived in Oklahoma and Texas
ALL my life (Tornado Alley) and NEVER heard of that!!! I’m thankful to tell you
that as far as I have heard, all of my friends and family in that area are just
fine. I know there were tornadoes in Alabama, but unless someone has failed to
inform me, everyone I know is ok. Praise God!
I could go on and on and on about the
things that are happening in people’s lives and in the world today. Some that
are unusual and some that just happen to people all the time, but I’ll stop because
I think you see my point. We never know what is going to happen to us, and when
“surprises” do occur do you know how you will respond?
I have heard for years that Jesus
understands everything we go through. Because He became a man, flesh and bone,
He knows exactly what it is to be human. There is nothing we can go through
that He can’t understand. Yet I was like so many people, I knew it with my head,
by faith I believed it because of scripture, but I couldn’t seem to apply to
Hebrews 4:15 For we do not
have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who
in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.(ESV)
Have you ever felt that way? Whether
it be with this Biblical principal or others? You just can’t seem to wrap your
head around it. Does Jesus really understand what it’s like when I feel like
the whole world is against me? Does Jesus understand what it’s like to have to
skip a meal for lack of money? Does He understand an aching back? Does He
understand sadness? Does He
understand the need for friends and companionship?.....As long as those things
do not come from or lead to sin, the answer is a resounding YES! YES! YES!
I don’t want to leave you hanging
right here, so let me tell you one quick reason why I believe that is true.
I know that Jesus is 100% God and 100%
man. Because of those 2 facts, when he lived on this earth he lived, felt, and
operated 100% as a man. With one major exception, He NEVER ONCE SINNED, because
He was 100% God, deity, sovereign and holy!
That is why He knows us, because He is
one of us!!!
Living in Grace,
Next time I will share
part 2, Jesus’ Temptation in the wilderness, and how it touches every part of
our human essence.
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