So much has been
happening in my life lately, and it has been a joy just to soak it all in. But
I must admit that God really got ahold of me a few days ago and reminded me
that all these things He is blessing me with and teaching me are not mine to be
selfish with. I am to be sharing them. So I am rededicating my self to this ministry
of blogging weekly. I ask that you pray for me as I dedicate time each week to share
what God wants me to with each of
you. Thank you precious friends.
Back on July 19th,
Cecil and I celebrated our 27th anniversary. I am so thankful God
blessed me with a Godly husband. As many of you know, we have know each other
our entire lives, we met in the church nursery. So I’m sure it won’t surprise
you that we are, and have been best friends for well over 30 years! However, there
are a few things about each other that we don’t know…well maybe we just forgot.
One thing we have
recently discovered, is we both LOVE to take day trips! Ok…Maybe we knew it but
didn’t have the time to do it, because we were raising kids and working. J So, for our anniversary we went road trippin’
to Granbury, TX! Oh what a fun day (except for the 104o heat)!!! We
explored the town square (when I say explore, I mean went shopping :D), and learned
a little of the town’s history. Then we met up with some friends that we
haven’t seen in about 5 years, who live in Granbury. This family is so much fun
and such a blessing!
I want to share a
treasure I walked away with. We walked into this antique and collectibles shop
and found this sign. When I read it, I cried. I feel like it describes our
family to a T. When Cecil saw how much it touched me and once he read it he
knew it had to come home with us and hang in our home.
This is the sign:
Our family of five is in NO WAY perfect. That is
part of the reason it means so much. This saying isn’t just about how Cecil and
I treat or feel about our children either, it’s a reciprocal relationship. When
I mess up and I do, all the time! My precious husband, sons and daughter are
there, ready to forgive me, hold out their hand to help me up so I can start
over, hug me and tell me they love me. When any one of us is in need we will
reach out to the others for help, whether it be in a tangible way or in prayer.
We also will be there for each other when one of us is burdened for a friend,
the whole family will unite in prayer for that outside person. No matter what
happens in this life I know that the other 4 have my back!
Now that is the serious side of us. However there
is another side…as the 4th one down says “We do loud really well” If
anyone has seen us in “game” or “party” mode you are saying to yourself “I know
that’s right!” We love to have fun!!! Now fun to your family and fun to the
Pettijohn’s maybe VERY different! To us it could be watching a sporting event, playing
a game together, participating in a sport, or planning a surprise or prank for
one of the others. Fun could also be sitting at the table having a meal. Yes
I’m serious, because ANYTIME we get together it ends up fun! Somehow, Someone
makes us laugh, it maybe a memory of a time I did something stupid. Like panic
when a harmless snake was crawling on the outside of a window on our house. Or
out of the blue Colton just says something funny, which happens often. We get
really loud and make amazing memories together. Twenty-seven years ago I never
imagined just how thankful I would be for marrying Cecil Pettijohn! Through the
good times and bad, God has blessed me with innumerable blessings!
Thinking about my totally amazing husband and the
family we have together makes me realize how much more amazing my Heavenly
Father is. Without Him I would have NONE of this! Let’s look, just a minute at
the characteristics on the sign as they relate to God.
Let’s rename this “In God’s House”. Many of us
refer to church as God’s House, but let’s say this is God’s actual home. Bear
with me and let’s pretend God has a home with a living room and a kitchen,
dining room, bedrooms, etc. For now we are in His home and this is hanging above
the mantle.
In God’s House
WE DO SECOND CHANCES: David (2Samuel 11 & 12 sin with Bathsheeba and
reconciliation), Peter (Matthew
26:69-75 Peter denies Jesus, Acts 2:14-40 Peter preaches at Pentecost)
WE SAY PRAYERS: Jesus (Matthew 6:9-15 The Lord’s Prayer, Matthew
26:36-46 In the Garden of Gethsemane before arrest)
WE DO I’M SORRY’S: Jacob Reconciles With Esau (Genesis 33), Prodigal Son
(Luke 15:17-24)
WE DO LOUD REALLY WELL: Jesus Enters Jerusalem on a Colt (John 12:14)
WE GIVE HUGS: Prodigal Son (Luke 15:20), Joseph (Genesis 45:14), Paul
(Acts 20:36,37)
WE DO LOVE: God’s Love
for Us (John 3:16, Romans 8:38-39), Our Love for God (Matthew 22:37-38), Our
Love for Others (Matthew 22:39)
WE ARE FAMILY: We Have Been Adopted (Romans 8:14-16, Ephesians 1:5)
How cool is that! I am part of a family where the
head of the household is perfect, and I’m not using that term lightly or
sarcastically. He is God, so He is literally PERFECT, SINLESS, and yet all the
same qualities that apply to my earthly family apply to my “spiritual” family.
God expects these qualities to be part of our
life with Him. Not only that, but He wants us to practice these things with our
brothers and sisters in Christ! Have I been giving my sister in Christ a second
chance when she needs it? Do I pray with my saved co-workers? When was the last
time I said I’m sorry when I wronged my Christian neighbor? Have I ever had a
few church friends over for a Ranger’s game? When I saw that teenager in tears at
church why didn’t I go give her a hug? Am I Loving God like His scripture
I don’t know about you, but I want my Christian
family to be just as satisfying as my physical family. These are the people I
will be spending eternity with.
Living in Grace,
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