In our
Online Bible Study, we were asked to share a #SayWhat? moment. For my friends,
that are not part of the Proverbs 31 OBS, let me tell you what a #SayWhat?
moment is. It is one of those times when God tells you to do something and you
think Say What? or you ask God are you really asking me to do THAT? It's
probably something completely out of your comfort zone, or something you think
is impossible for you to do. Let me give you a couple of examples. I've known
many missionaries to up and leave their families and what they know, to serve
God in a foreign country. I'm sure
when God first told them that He wanted them to be missionaries to a far-away
land they probably said "Say What?" I also know more than one family who has adopted orphans
from China, Russia, and Haiti, after their biological children were almost
grown, because God told them to. Now don't you think they probably had some Say
What? moments along the way? I image they did, but when it was all said and
done, I know for a fact, that the children they adopted have brought them great
joy and tremendous blessings they would have never received had they ignored
the voice of God. Also there are souls that would not be joining us in heaven
had these parents not listened to God's calling! WOW!!!
I could
stop right there, but I haven't shared my story...As I was thinking about this,
the very first Say What? that came to mind happened almost 30 years ago. I
shoved it aside, thinking, "God, that happened so long ago, no one wants
to hear about that." Yet
every time I thought about this blog, that SayWhat? moment is what came up. So
when I sat down to write, and that same story was the ONLY one on my mind I
knew it was the one I HAD to tell! So sit back as I get to share, and even
reminisce about being a young girl in love! :)
It was
May 1984 and I was about to graduate from Putnam City West High School in
Oklahoma City, OK. I was as happy as a girl could be! I had been dating Cecil,
a young man from my church, since October 3rd, 1981. We were totally in love
and planning on getting married the following summer. You see our relationship
was so much more than just 2 teenagers in love. We started out as babies in the
same church nursery. As I grew up Cecil was always there, at church.
The Kindergarten
and 1st grade Sunday School Class at Hudson Avenue Baptist Church approximately
1970. Cecil and I are standing next to each other, in front of the teachers. I
am the only girl standing and he is to the left of me.
This is a
close-up of the same picture.
As you can see Cecil and I
are standing next to
each other.
He was in 1st grade. I was in Kindergarten.
We never
attended school together but we always went to church together. Except one
short stent, when my dad's job moved us to Lawton, OK. When we moved back to
OKC, we went right back to the same church. God kept us together all along the
way. Even when a new church ( or mission as we called it) was started in
Edmond, OK. Cecil's family began attending there and so did my family. Believe me,
our families did NOT attend because the other was there! Each family was doing
what God ask them to do. I love being able to look back and see how God
orchestrated the whole thing! As Cecil and I became teenagers we saw the value
in getting to know each other and becoming friends. We were best friends, even
before we started dating. We went through some horrible things together, the
death of a member of our youth group, best friends moving away, the death of my
grandmother and many other life changing moments. We went through some great
celebrations too! Our mission was formed into a self-supporting church! We were
charter members. We helped build the first church building! I remember when
some of Cecil's nieces and nephews were born, and Cecil was there to celebrate
with my family when my brother was born, almost 17 years after me! Crazy huh?!?
Yes, there were other friends, but we were constant in each other’s lives.
Always able to count on each other during the good and the bad. Once we came to
the point that we knew we were in love and could tell each other, we knew there
was no turning back, EVER!
So, I
graduated High School with plans of attending college right there in town.
Actually in Edmond, the very town that Cecil lived and worked in. How perfect
could that be? Here was the deal, all my friends had already done the prep work
to go the college they wanted to, but I hadn't. What was wrong with me? Well...
I was getting to go to England, Ireland, and Scotland in July of '84, I was
doing a lot of planning for that...but that wasn't it. There began to be a
nagging in my heart that I wasn't supposed to go to the college in Edmond. God
was saying, "Angie, I want you to go to IBC (The Independent Baptist
College) in Dallas, TX." At
first I didn't even Say What? I out right said NO! That is NOT what you're
saying! But that voice got a little louder and more persistent until I did,
"Say What? God, Surely you are not asking me to move 200 miles away from
my family and especially asking me to move 200 miles away from Cecil. To go to
some Bible College that has less than 1,000 students to take Bible Classes for
a year? Really? God, I can't do that! I can't drive in Dallas! I don't know
anybody...ok, I might know one person...but God, my family is going to think
I'm crazy when I tell them that YOU want me to do this!" I am telling you
ALL of those thoughts went through my head! Satan really had me thinking that
my family and Cecil would laugh at me and think I was crazy for doing something
that God wanted me to do. I grew up in a Christian home! My momma lead me to
Jesus! My daddy was the song leader at church and a great Christian daddy! They
understood what it was like for God to ask them to do something and to step out
in faith! But Satan can have you thinking crazy things! Honestly, I don't
remember when I told them, whether it was before I went to England or after.
I'm thinking it must have been before, because I remember having a peaceful
trip. But when I told them, all of them, even Cecil they all said " If this
is what God wants from you, then you have to do it!" What a burden lifted,
to know that my family and my future husband supported me!
I believe
it was the 2nd Sunday in August 1984, right after Sunday morning services we
headed to Dallas. My mom, dad,
younger sister (then about to start her Junior year in HS), my baby brother
(then about 23 months old), all got in one car, packed with as much of my stuff
as they could carry. The other car
on its way to Dallas was a little '79 Nova whose trunk was about to explode and
the driver couldn’t see out the back window for all the clothes hanging on the
rack across the back seat. But that didn't seem to matter much, because I spent
most of the 4 hour drive crying and repeating, "I don't want to do this...but
I need to, because this is what God wants me to do. I can't do this...but I
have to do what God has called me to do." While Cecil would say "I know honey, It's going to be
ok." It was the hardest decision I had ever made! So with great fear, but
great confidence in God, we pulled in to the parking lot of the dorms of the
Independent Baptist College in Dallas, TX.
My Family the
evening we arrived at IBC. Left to Right, Me, My mom (Beckie), My Dad (Bill, in
back), My sister (Becky) and my little brother (Billy, in front)
That evening began an unbelievable adventure in my
life! I had NO idea what God was about to do that would forever change the path
of my life, and it was all due to one decision, one act of obedience towards
God, and for this 18 year old girl, it was RADICAL OBEDIENCE!!!
For the next 9 months I lived in a
"dorm" with 3 other girls.
Actually, we lived in a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment. It really
wasn't too bad for 4 single girls in college. We had a small living room,
kitchen and dinette too. We even
had walk-in closets, and everything was fully furnished for us. When I moved
in, I had never met the girls that were to become 3 of my very best friends. In
fact, the one I shared a room with, her name is Areletta, to this day is
someone I consider one of my closest friends. I had no idea what God was
setting up for me before I got there, but I soon discovered that there were at
least 3 girls also at the college who I had known from church camp. There was something unique about this
college and that was, it was a mission project of the Trinity Temple Baptist Church.
Trinity Temple oversaw its daily function, but many other churches financially
supported it. While I attended IBC I also attended Trinity Temple. There were
many members of the church whom I had also known from church camp, or for one
reason or another had met before. God blessed me in 2 very special ways when he
sent me to Dallas. Honestly, I probably didn't appreciate them the way I do
now. The pastor of Trinity Temple had been my pastor in OKC from the time I was
born, until I was 10. So I already knew him, his wife and his daughter, Rebecca,
who happened to be my age and attending IBC also. In fact Rebecca was also in
the church nursery with Cecil and I. She ended up being one of my bridesmaids
in my wedding. The other special blessing was the fact that Cecil's older
brother, Tiger and his wife Anne and (at the time) their only child, Rachel
lived only a few miles from me. Tiger was also attending IBC.
Even though I had many friends around and I made
many new friends, I was terribly homesick. I tried not to show it too much,
because I knew it was much worse for Cecil. He wasn't experiencing all the new
things I was. He wasn't swamped with assignments and working a new job. He was
simply going to work and going home each day, or going to my parents’ house
after work, because he missed me so much. Well, we made it through September
and almost through October when Cecil's brother called him... You see in 1984
the housing market was booming and Tiger was making a living hanging wallpaper
in new houses all over the metroplex. He had more work than he could handle. So
that call was to ask Cecil to come to Dallas and go to work hanging wallpaper
with his brother. Wow!!! This was our chance to be back together!!! But when we
talked about it, we both agreed we didn't want him moving to Dallas if it wasn't
what God wanted for him. Do you know how hard it is to make that sort of
decision, when it is what you want so bad. But we both prayed, and truly felt a
peace from God. So, in November of 1984 Cecil moved to Dallas. He lived with
his brother and sister-in-law until May of 1985, when he got a job with Sewell
Village Cadillac and was able to get an apartment for us.
Then, just as we had planned, we were married July
19, 1985, in Edmond, OK. After our honeymoon, we came back to Dallas. We have
lived in the metroplex ever since.
Our Wedding Day
July 19, 1985
There is
one thing I know for sure. That is had I not followed God almost 30 years ago
in radical obedience, even after my #SayWhat? moment, I would not be where I am
I want to
share one verse of scripture that was a favorite of mine back when I was 18 and
going through these SayWhat times, and I still love it today!
Psalm 37:4
(ESV) Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your
Family-Clockwise starting with me,
Colton my middle child-23,
Hunter my
Stephanie my youngest-20,
Cecil my husband of 28 years!
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